To quote Shakespeare, “(stabbing him) What, you egg? Young fry of treachery!”
Now that I have started with an out-of-context meme-worthy funny quote, we’ll delve into the mechanics of creativity and routine, with context. This includes marketing and advertising, but it also goes beyond that. It’s also delving into human nature and finding what we strive for. We will talk about how creativity is ageless only when paired with the gift of perception.
For me, I’m creative with a deadline, a pressure constantly hanging over my neck. This sentence has been rephrased and overused in so many celebrity interviews & Ted talks but there’s always a why behind it. The answer is purely scientific. Let’s start with an example of Stephen King. He is considered to be one of the greatest fiction writers in a career spanning decades. He has struggled with drug abuse and illusions with his definition of creativity. In his part-memoir, part writing master-class book, “On Writing”, he focuses on the thought that Creativity doesn’t need mediums to be enhanced, nor a time. You need yourself and a belief system.
In reality, every human is very creative. Yet, there are few who choose professions like Advertising, Filmmaking, Music, and Writing; because those are the few who can be creative-on-command. You have to be improvising like a jazz musician with a rigourous routine of a soldier, an unlikely combination. Those unlikely combinations end up leading new paths and illuminating that path for others following. Suppose one day you can’t sleep at 2 AM and thoughts overflow, your hold over your emotions ebb (not egg) away. You feel so much and the only way to express it is through poetry or prose. You write a poem and it works like a therapy for you. You sleep sound and wake up next day; to realize the poem you wrote is beautiful. You post it on your social media and bask in the glory of likes. Only to wait for that specific moment of emotions to overflow you again so that you can write something beautiful, again.